"NU Trust is recognized under Section 80(5)(vi) of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961, for tax exemption"


Our vision is to deliver a comprehensive Nephro-Urology service, which showcases the highest standards of both care and medical excellence, sufficiently innovative to be appropriate to our society. There shall be an atmosphere of continuous learning and research, conscious of the rights and dignity of our patients. We will also give our employees and consultants, unfettered opportunity to develop professionally.

We will achieve this by:

  • Working to implement practices and processes that are standard, measurable in quality and constantly monitored in all areas of our functioning.
  • Ensuring that our facilities and services demonstrate our compliance with, and possibly exceed the standards of our health care regulators.
  • Promoting effective communication within and between all service providers, and our patients, to establish a seamless and enhanced teamwork.
  • Establishing a successful partnership with all our stakeholders, on a foundation of integrity and transparency that will always enhance the reputation of NU Hospitals.



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